This story originally appeared on The Local Moms Network. When it comes to keeping your little adventurer’s feet toasty and dry, a solid pair of toddler boots is essential. From sturdy snow boots to withstand the most frigid temps, to colorful galoshes made for...
Winter is a great time to revamp your hair after a summer of sun, saltwater, chlorine and humidity. “I see almost 90 percent of my clients in the Fall and Winter, and they are ready for a change,” says Alexandre Chouery, founder of the Maison D’Alexandre salon in...
With winter here we have put together some great places that are less than 2 hours away to have fun snow tubing, skiing, snowboarding and more! Some helpful tips to maximize fun Plan ahead for food and drink options. We typically eat on our way and then snack...
Small gifts that are lots of fun are in high demand this season whether for stockings stuffers, Hanukkah gifts, Secret Santa exchanges or gifts from your kids to their friends. Of course, we love gifting our kids cute versions of their necessities (socks, underwear,...
If you’re looking to create memories instead of clutter this season, you’ve come to the right place. From playhouse tickets to museum memberships and fitness classes, we’ve compiled our favorite experiential gifts across the New York and Connecticut...
Feast & Fettle is soon to be Westchester’s newest meal service, and it’s any busy parent’s solution to a quality dinner! Whether you’re feeding hangry toddlers or your teens are going through a growth spurt, getting dinner on the table with kids in the mix can...